Please encourage your church to support Baptist state missions in Illinois.
Start by printing the “How to Promote MIO PDF.”
Promote online
During the month of August:
- Post the MIO theme video on your website.
- Highlight downloadable MIO content through church email and social media.
- Set up Mission Illinois as an option through your online giving and share with church members.
Promote at church
During late August and September:
- Advertise on visual slides, in the church newsletter, and Sunday bulletin.
- Place posters in prominent locations.
- Share about MIO and Baptist state mission work during church announcements.
- Show the videos in worship during the four Sundays of September.
Participate in prayer and giving
During your scheduled offering Sundays in September:
- Provide each worship attender with an offering envelope and prayer guide.
- Pray for the individuals and ministries served by the offering.
- Remind worshipers they are part of a family of nearly 900 Illinois churches working together to reach our state.
- Ask people to give to help your church meet its goal.
- Promote and collect the offering, both online and in worship services.